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Filaouiii987's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Filaouiii987's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

how did you get this information that the companies don't improve the drugs they just sell it away , can you please give me an evidence about that,

-1 points

I agree with on that its not their fault but who is it fault?

I believe the people who made that mistake they should pay for it!

1 point

"We needed to turn a profit on the drug," Shkreli told Bloomberg, arguing that companies that owned the drug before were giving it away at $13.50."

Martin Shkreli said, so I don't know why people are angry about this if the companies were owned this drugs before he bought it??

1 point

I believe that people should pay the market price because these kind of medicines is really expensive and it costs the companies who made it a lot of money. Not only that, but the company also has something good for the patient, the money that company get from the the patient is used to improve the medicines for the future to fight the disease more effectively. this is why these kind of medicines are too expensive and people are angry about that

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