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Filaouiii987's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Filaouiii987's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The rise in health care costs is hitting workers particularly hard because it's growing much faster than wages. Since 2010, the workers' share of premiums have risen more than twice as fast as wages.

1 point

The rise in health care costs is hitting workers particularly hard because it's growing much faster than wages. Since 2010, the workers' share of premiums have risen more than twice as fast as wages.

1 point

The rise in health care costs is hitting workers particularly hard because it's growing much faster than wages. Since 2010, the workers' share of premiums have risen more than twice as fast as wages.

1 point

The rise in health care costs is hitting workers particularly hard because it's growing much faster than wages. Since 2010, the workers' share of premiums have risen more than twice as fast as wages.

1 point

The rise in health care costs is hitting workers particularly hard because it's growing much faster than wages. Since 2010, the workers' share of premiums have risen more than twice as fast as wages.

1 point

The biggest hit to workers' wallets isn't the premium increases, however. Here are four other places you can expect to pay more:

1 point

The rise in health care costs is hitting workers particularly hard because it's growing much faster than wages. Since 2010, the workers' share of premiums have risen more than twice as fast as wages.

1 point

The rise in health care costs is hitting workers particularly hard because it's growing much faster than wages. Since 2010, the workers' share of premiums have risen more than twice as fast as wages.

1 point

"Deductibles are rising a little bit every year -- almost $100 a year -- and then that really adds up, in combination with flat wages," said Drew Altman, the foundation's president. "If wages were keeping up with the growth of cost sharing, it wouldn't be a big a deal for people. But the pain level is significant. It really affects family budgets because their wages aren't rising at the same time."

1 point

The launch of the Obamacare exchanges in 2014, however, has virtually no impact on the work-based insurance market since they cover two separate populations. The exchanges are targeted at individuals, most of whom don't have access to health coverage at a job. But other Obamacare provisions, particularly the looming Cadillac tax in 2018, have prompted employers to keep premium increases in check, while raising out-of-pocket costs.

1 point

I believe that people should pay the market price because these kind of medicines is really expensive and it costs the companies who made it a lot of money. Not only that, but the company also has something good for the patient, the money that company get from the the patient is used to improve the medicines for the future to fight the disease more effectively. this is why these kind of medicines are too expensive and people are angry about that

1 point

I believe that people should pay the market price because these kind of medicines is really expensive and it costs the companies who made it a lot of money. Not only that, but the company also has something good for the patient, the money that company get from the the patient is used to improve the medicines for the future to fight the disease more effectively. this is why these kind of medicines are too expensive and people are angry about that

1 point

I believe that people should pay the market price because these kind of medicines is really expensive and it costs the companies who made it a lot of money. Not only that, but the company also has something good for the patient, the money that company get from the the patient is used to improve the medicines for the future to fight the disease more effectively. this is why these kind of medicines are too expensive and people are angry about that

1 point

so what are you meaning

I don't know I didn't get it

you just went against yourself by saying this facts so what!

1 point

so what does that tell you,

I just want to know its a freedom of investing no one can control me if I want to invest my money in selling medicines to people as long as is legal

1 point

as I said previously that you are going angainst yourself because you don't give an facts an examples!

1 point

its not a crime to do whatever you want in your own money as long as you don't go against the law and this company didn't do anything against law!

1 point

it is America and you can not judge anyone, anyone can do whatever he or she wants

1 point

lets pretend that this is a concrete example but how about the facts she dindt gave any facts about the companies who are not improving the drugs as She said in the arguments

1 point

WOW now you are attacking yourself by saying there should be no discount for anyone

that means like you agree with me

1 point

this totally out of the discussion we are not here to give examples like in religion

we are here to discuss AIDS patients should pay a market price for the drugs or not

thank you!

0 points

the companies are responsible for what they are doing and for what they are selling so you can not say that they are not improving anything, I just gave you an evidence of Martin the owner of the company what he said

1 point

you got it here but I don't go that way because we need to face the reality and not keep sleeping in our dreams

1 point

Basically its people fault for those who made it, and you know in society no body forgives if u made a mistake you have to deal with it

2 points

how did you get this information that the companies don't improve the drugs they just sell it away , can you please give me an evidence about that,

-1 points

I agree with on that its not their fault but who is it fault?

I believe the people who made that mistake they should pay for it!

1 point

"We needed to turn a profit on the drug," Shkreli told Bloomberg, arguing that companies that owned the drug before were giving it away at $13.50."

Martin Shkreli said, so I don't know why people are angry about this if the companies were owned this drugs before he bought it??

1 point

I believe that people should pay the market price because these kind of medicines is really expensive and it costs the companies who made it a lot of money. Not only that, but the company also has something good for the patient, the money that company get from the the patient is used to improve the medicines for the future to fight the disease more effectively. this is why these kind of medicines are too expensive and people are angry about that

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