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Filaouii's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Filaouii's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

ok and how about when the kids grow up are u will keep homeschooling,

I think it is only for kids and not for the 12 grade

1 point

I think home schooling is may not be good for kids to stay home and learn

its not going to work for all the families it depends on the enviremont of the family

In my opinion I prefer public school more than the home schooling because when you send your kids to the public school they meet other kids who are not like them and they exchange their information and became friends and build their realation and learn how to treat people,

but its different if u will just stay home and teach them how but not practicing

1 point

you are who the one who doesn't have any idea so you trying to attackte me by telling me that I keep repeating my self

1 point

you can be working as employer and or as nurse or as dispatch or as chef

there are a lot of opportunities that you can not get except by getting college degree

2 points

if you are here in America you need just to work hard and show what u have and not just sit down and say I cant do it because of this or this, there is no cause that can convience me, there are so many scholarships that u can apply to and get in the college that u want to

1 point

that's completely incorrecte, all student who are In college are not teenagers

they are consider as younger adults, if they commit a crime their parents are not going to be responsible for them, and while when go to college you so many options to choose your path by searching and looking in what you want, you don't have to wait for your parents to come and tell you what need to do

2 points

I mean there are few examples like people who drop out of college and became millionaires

but not all of them, those are a few people who didn't have ability to afford college or they had a problem in social life

2 points

I strongly disagree with you in that college is just going wast your time

if you are really addicted to what you want to do in your life you have to get first information not just go like blind

1 point

college gives the experience and knowledge and prepare u for your goal and what you want to do in future not any other work

1 point

If you are still asking yourself why should people go to college, it is important to remember the significant amount of opportunity available for college graduates

1 point

college is very important,

people who never been to college ,all of them are working under wage that people who went to college are taking

2 points

Attending college provides students with the knowledge and experience they are unable to receive from a secondary education, and finding a way to fund a higher education now can pay off in a huge way in the years to come.

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