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This personal waterfall shows you all of Mehdi's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

-Socializing ability will only improve if we interact with strangers and various unfamiliar groups.

-This debate includes a time period of Kinder-garden to 12, which means interaction with teachers is necessary in all stages.

2 points

I do not refute the claim that home schools provide better comfort, studying at traditional school gives the student a discipline and the environment can not be compared to a prison, however these strict policies monitor the students and keep them away from deleterious and criminal activities.

1 point

Further more the statistics provided appears to be a general overview on a topic and not a scientific survey. Adding to it, Brain D.Ray, stated that there are 2.2 million home educated students in the United States, this figure is diminutive when compared to 319 million population, even though incrementing.

0 points

As stated by my opponent that, homeschooling provide better learning environment, this argument appears to be weak because, in homes we have leniency towards schedule and moreover it gives you a more comforting surrounding. However, homeschooling could attain popularity if online tutorials are readily available by a specialized guide.

3 points


At traditional school, pupils are open to adapt the working environment such as group discussion, meeting, debate and more importantly making friends.

2-Interaction between teacher and students:

Students attending traditional schools have a common platform where the students interact with there teachers on the field of subject. This incorporates more specialized teachers on there specific field to provide broader view for the student.

3-Practical Test:

Traditional schools develop and nurture the candidates ability to face competitive tests such as ACT, SAT, etc., by providing a competitive environment in the classroom and around.


There are few privileges available for a student attending traditional school, they are;



-Play grounds and more players to play with

-Discipline, it teaches how to be punctual at various tasks

5-Elaborated knowledge:

I believe home schooling is limited in practical knowledge.

Thank you Samera!

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