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RSS Natalia3103

Reward Points:10
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is said that vaccination should be done only if the person is fully healthy. If a person has a cold it could have a deadly consequences.

2 points

To be honest, children have immunity only if the mother is feeding the baby with her milk. When she stops - (usually after 6 months) the immunity of the child weakens. There are vaccination for many diseases, but children should be vaccinated for the basic diseases.

1 point

Of course it not a crime to sell the drug for a price you want if you have a legal right to do it. That is why that guy is not in prison.

3 points

People are angry because the price of the drug grew up about 5000%. Why are there companies overseas who sell almost the same drug for around 7 cents per pill and those suppliers are prohibited to sell their product in the USA? Because FDA said only one company can sell it in USA.

1 point

Ok I agree that some of the companies may have improved some of the drugs, but we are talking about medications for AIDS. Read those links that are given above: it is said that the AIDS drug has almost the same ingredients as it had 40 years ago.

0 points

There should be no discount for anyone, just a regulation by the government. Pharmacy is not a church obviously, and there is not such a thing: you sinned - pay more, you were a good person - please have a discount. People who have AIDS have already been punished.

3 points

You cannot judge even those who made that mistake. What if those people totally changed for better and say that they are a good person now. They didn't kill anyone, they want to live like any of us.

4 points

I don't want to upset you, but it is all about politics and money. Companies usually don't improve drugs, they just buy/sell rights to them and them buy/sell it to sick people. The best example is daraprim - drug for aids, which was on the market for decades and was being sold for about $10-13 for a pill. Few months ago, a new company bought right to produce it and the price for a pill increased up to $750.

5 points

In my opinion government should regulate prices of all drugs that help people whose diseases are incurable, like HIV/AIDS. Patients' lives depend on those drugs. Some of those people got infected because their spouses were cheating on them or maybe their mothers were infected and gave the disease to their babies. Is it their fault they are sick? Should they pay the full price for those drugs? Of course not. What is more, one company is able to buy rights for one drug and sell it for a horrendous amount of money. If someone forgot - Sick people's lives could depend on that one company.

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