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-1 points

Numerous organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), have issued a call to action on the obesity epidemic, citing it as a major global health problem. The WHO estimates that at least 2.8 million people worldwide die each year due to being overweight or obese. In fact, for perhaps the first time in world history, overweight and obesity are now responsible for more deaths worldwide than deaths due to malnutrition or being underweight. Globally, according to WHO statistics, 44% of diabetes, 23% of ischemic heart disease, and as much as 41% of certain cancers can be attributed to overweight and obesity. DO YOU STILL DISCONSIDER OBESITY?

1 point

It's not, but how can you sleep at night when you know you killed thousand of people by taking their chances for a treatment because YOU make it 5000 more expensive? And what for? For you to have even more money?

1 point

Yes, that's totally for money. They don't think about the welfare of those poor sick people. They found and opportunity and they exploit it just for the money.

0 points

Actually I read that a lot of the highly expensive meds are cheap to produce and they are only expensive because they "treat" a chronic or deadly desease.

0 points

I think that here you're just contradicting yourself because all those actions are not coming just from itself, but they a compound of actions from companies and other people who are trying to help each other rather then themselves.

0 points

I agree with the subsidies part, but there are movements started by the government towards a healthier way of life and I'm not saying they will succeed right away, but we all have to start treating obesity as what it is and do something to stop it. We all have to collaborate for this to happen.

0 points

And also, some people are weak, as I said before. They need a push from the back, exactly like the alcoholics or drug addicts, they need a "sponsor" maybe, who can be by their side, advising them and leading them to a better way of life.

0 points

I have to disagree with you here. If people buy less bad food, companies just make better ads, put more dangerous stuff in the food so it taste better or trick you that they made it healthier by adding a small amount of something good. Companies won't back down by themselves because they are greedy and hungry for money, but if they are enforced.. well that's another fight to take.

1 point

"The Drug companies" are just a minor part of all this process. There are many other ways to help the people that giving them weight control drugs or pill like promoting a healthy way of life, eating healthy, making sport, and not just for a period, as long as we are fat, but our whole life because a healthy way of live prevents many other deseases like cancer, heart failure or other organs, a longer period of living, a happier mood and so on.

1 point

I totally agree and not just the CDC, but the government too. There is this documentary about which everybody is talking at the moment, "The weight of the Nation". People are debating, sharing opinions and they look concerned. If this wasn't a desease until last century, it is now for sure and we should all start taking actions against it.

2 points

An addiction can be a desease too. And when I'm saying to help people controlling their weight I'm not reffering at all USING ANY KIND OF DRUGS. There are so many other ways to help a person and taking drugs and pills for weight control should be used as a last resort and many of them don't even work properly. That's why people should consult a specialist before taking any pill, just because they heard from others that is working or not. We are different when it comes to "how is our body working" and assimilating a treatment.

2 points

And about the food companies, yes, I think that somebody should intervene and regulate them by banning certain substances that are just harmful for people and just give taste to a product so it can be sold. Which basically it's just about money, with no concern for people and their health.

4 points

Nodoby should tell you what you can eat or drink, not even the government, but they can advise you and "lead you" to the right path with different marketing strategies. For example, there are many people who just don't have the strength to give up their tasty food, which happens to not be good, so adding more banners and commercials with juck food isn't helpful at all. That's why we should all try to fight against this and start treating it as a desease and find solutions.

1 point

In my opinion obesity is a desease as any other, more or less important, depending on the person. Therefore, we should treat it as it is. There should be available treatments and meds for it, there should be people specialized in it and helping other people. Each and every one of us can choose to not take any help and treat themselves, but we should have a choice. As we know, the government is already spending money on different programs to just try to help the many obese people that exist already, so they should maybe create more preventive programs to help these people to no get obese, rather than to just interfere after. So maybe that means that the government should not just try to control obesity, but to actually regulate the actions that lead to it. For example, ban all those ads that attract people to eat junk food or to maybe reverse the prices somehow, healthier products to be cheaper than non-healthy or less-healthy ones. These are just two of many actions that the government and all the companies that sell food can do. We should stop thinking just about money and start thinking more of the people and they well being. Obesity is a desease that untreated can lead to more critical illnesses or even death, so let's start fighting against it.

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