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Olgavelciug's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Olgavelciug's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

yes your are right they put that statement but when you are going with your fresh printed diploma and they are asking you how its supposed to be done something the college students dont know, and a lot of companies don't want to waste money on training from the beginning a new employer because ethey can quit or find a different job after finishing the training so the money are wasting money without reason

0 points

can you tell me a couple of this opportunities? which you can not achieve but working from the lower level

1 point

you never worked so you are going to be blind when you start to work after you finiosh your college, and the college students think they learn everything and they want a higger positin but they don't know how to do an elementary work, if you start from the but you learn all the subtilities of the system where you are working for example you start like a cashier in a big store you learn how to deal with coustemer, with the cashier system, but when you finish the college and want to be a manager you just know theorie how to deal with some situations but is totally different in real life

1 point

its not true they are having a bigger wage and better position because they get the experience what allows them to do the job faster than the fresh college kids what didn't do anything besaides reading and writing, how is told practicing beats theory

1 point

you are repeating yourself and you don't have anything to support your ideas, and most than half of the college age tennagers they don't know what they want to do so they are dropping their college and is a waste of money, but when you have a job and you can see if you like or not so you could figure out what you want to do

0 points

its give you knowledge but not experience because is different when you learn without knowing how to apply it in real work so this could be achieved jus working and practicing it every day, you need to work around 10 years to pay your university debts, so you will start earn money after 15 years you finished yours college, when you are going to be around of 45 and almost going to retirement age, but starting to work you could have experience and gain a better job faster learning and working how to do this, and getting more money.

0 points

its not giving the assureance you are going to get a better job, because it doesn't mean you have the experience to do that particular job or you are responsible enouth to accomplish the duties required by this particular job you applied for

3 points

30% of college and university students drop out after their first year, because they don't have enouth resourse to pay and have loans, because they don't have any property to leave like a loan for the money you need, and banks need approvement you are going to pay them back, so without it you can not go to college

1 point

more than 75 % of students required to take remedial classes never graduate, because of this statistic I think is just a waste of your time, money and another resourses when you could use this time to start working practicing and learning your job and be promoted to a new level.

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